


Opening Hours

Sun - Sat : 9 AM - 12 PM / 5 PM - 8 PM

Ayurveda is a gift of nature to the mankind, which is as old as 5000 years, yet showing lights as a natural medical science being within the limits of laws of nature and curing diseases beyond the reach of modern medical science. It treats successfully different body and mind ailments by the help of herbal, natural and spiritual remedies. Ayurveda is derived from two words, i.e. ‘ayus’, meaning ‘life’ and veda meaning ‘wisdom’ or ‘science’. So Ayurveda can be termed as the science of life. Life is a combination of four factors – i.e. Sharira (the body), indriya (the senses), satwa (the mind) and atma (the soul). These four factors combine to produce the unique experience we call life. Ayurveda teaches us all the natural laws of life – to be healthy always in order to fulfill all of our desires.

The aim of Ayurveda

It is to preserve the health of a healthy person, and to cure the disease of an ill person. So Ayurveda can be termed as a total health care system, which conceives health as a balanced and well being state of body’s mechanism and metabolism as well as a balanced state of the soul, the senses and the mind.

Ayurveda describes our body as a combination of ‘Dosha’, ‘Dhatu’ and ‘Mala’. Dosha can be termed as a form of Bio-energy, which controls the body’s physiology. It is of three types, i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Dhatus can be termed as the Body tissues. It is of seven types. i.e. Rasa (Plasma), Rakta (Blood), Mamsa (Muscle), Meda (Fat), Asthi (Bones), Majja (Bone Marrow) and Shukra (Semen). Malas are the bodily waste products. They are of three types, i.e. purisha (stool), Mutra (Urine) and Sweda (Sweat).

We should strictly follow a healthy diet and life style according to Ayurveda which will keep our Doshas, Dhatus and Malas in balanced state or in equilibrium which will lead to perfect health.