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Sun - Sat : 9 AM - 12 PM / 5 PM - 8 PM

What Panchakarma is?

It is a Sanskrit word consisting of “Pancha” (means five) and “Karma” (means remedial measures). So, Panchakarma literally means five remedial measures used in Ayurvedic therapy. Ayurveda basically emphasizes two types of therapy i.e.(i) Eliminatory and (ii) Pacificatory.Panchakarma comes under the Eliminatory therapy.

How Panchakarma acts?

If in our body, due to faulty diet and lifestyle habits, dosa (vitiated biological humours) and mala (toxic excretable metabolites) get accumulated in the srota (Physiological channels) and block them, the condition threatens to cause disease. Hence the different srotas must be clear so as to produce and carry the biological entities. Panchakarma therapy eliminates these vitiated dosa and mala from the srotas and cures the disease. There is hardly any chance of recurrence of the disease treated by Panchakarma therapy as the therapy strikes at the root cause and eliminates it. This is an important advantage of Panchakarma therapy..

Do “Healthy Persons need Panchakarma therapy”?

This is the commonest question; of course, people are curious about Ayurveda in their mind. The answer is –’Yes’; healthy persons do need Panchakarma therapy at regular intervals in order to eliminate harmful toxins from the body, which accumulate in the body due to faulty diet and lifestyle habits. Panchakarma therapy is not only used to treat diseases but also plays an important role in rejuvenating the body and mind. It improves metabolism and hence strengthens both body and mind. All of us have experienced the immediate comfort and relaxation after a gentle oil massage. If only a small and preparatory part of the Panchakarma therapy can provide such wonderful results, the beneficial effects of the total therapy is simply unquestionable.

Here are the five therapies Panchakarma consists:

1. Nasya

2. Vamana

3. Virechana

4. Vasti

5. Rakta Mokshana