


Opening Hours

Sun - Sat : 9 AM - 12 PM / 5 PM - 8 PM

What Kwatha Dhara is?

In this therapy lukewarm medicated decoction(Kwatha) are poured over the body by two or four Ayurvedic therapistsin form of gentle continuous streams through kernels/mugs. It is useful in disorders of VataDosha.

How it is done?

In this therapy two to four therapists standing on either side of the patient pour warm medicated decoction(Kwatha) in a uniform stream by the help of kernels/mugs. The poured decoction is again collected and applied after reheating. The process is carried out in seven body positions for 45 minutes.

What diseases Kwatha Dhara helps to cure?

Rheumatism, swollen joints, Arthritis.

What are the benefits of Kwatha Dhara beside direct treatment?

Improves blood circulation
Rejuvenates the whole body
Relieves body pain and muscle spasms.